
Licence MIT Contributor Covenant

Conventional Commits semantic-release

## 📜 About Thream's Application Programming Interface (API) to stay close with your friends and communities. It uses [Thream/file-uploads-api]( [v1.1.7]( ## ⚙️ Getting Started ### Prerequisites - [Node.js]( >= 16.0.0 - [npm]( >= 8.0.0 - [PostgreSQL]( ### Installation ```sh # Clone the repository git clone # Go to the project root cd api # Install dependencies npm clean-install # Configure environment variables cp .env.example .env # Generate Prisma client types npm run prisma:generate ``` ### Database Setup ```sh # Create a new user and database psql CREATE DATABASE thream; CREATE USER thream_user with encrypted password 'password'; ALTER USER thream_user WITH SUPERUSER; ``` ### Database Production migration ```sh npm run prisma:migrate:deploy ``` ### Local Development environment Recommended to use [VSCode: Remote development in Containers]( #### Database Development migration ```sh # Run Prisma migrations npm run prisma:migrate:dev # Reset the database (WARNING: This will delete all data) npm run prisma:migrate:reset ``` #### Usage ```sh npm run dev ``` ##### Services started - `api`: - [Maildev]( - [Prisma Studio]( ##### Commands ```sh # Build, Lint and Test npm run build npm run build:typescript npm run lint:editorconfig npm run lint:markdown npm run lint:eslint npm run lint:prettier npm run test ``` ### Production environment (with [Docker]( ```sh docker compose up --build ``` ## 💡 Contributing Anyone can help to improve the project, submit a Feature Request, a bug report or even correct a simple spelling mistake. The steps to contribute can be found in [](./ ## 📄 License [MIT](./LICENSE)