'use strict' // Node 4.x workaround const express = require('express') const http = require('http') const socketIo = require('socket.io') const socketio_jwt = require('../../lib') const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken') const xtend = require('xtend') const enableDestroy = require('server-destroy') let sio /** * This is an example server that shows how to do namespace authentication. * * The /admin namespace is protected by JWTs while the global namespace is public. */ exports.start = (callback) => { const options = { secret: 'aaafoo super sercret', timeout: 1000, handshake: false } const app = express() const server = http.createServer(app) sio = socketIo.listen(server) app.use(express.json()) app.post('/login', (req, res) => { const profile = { first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe', email: 'john@doe.com', id: 123 } // We are sending the profile inside the token const token = jwt.sign(profile, options.secret, { expiresIn: 60 * 60 * 5 }) res.json({ token: token }) }) // Global namespace (public) sio.on('connection', (socket) => { socket.emit('hi') }) // Second roundtrip const admin_nsp = sio.of('/admin') admin_nsp .on('connection', socketio_jwt.authorize(options)) .on('authenticated', (socket) => { socket.emit('hi admin') }) // One roundtrip const admin_nsp_hs = sio.of('/admin_hs') admin_nsp_hs.use(socketio_jwt.authorize(xtend(options, { handshake: true }))) admin_nsp_hs.on('connection', (socket) => { socket.emit('hi admin') }) server.listen(9000, callback) enableDestroy(server) } exports.stop = (callback) => { sio.close() try { server.destroy() } catch (er) {} callback() }