import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken' import { Socket } from '' class UnauthorizedError extends Error { public inner: { message: string } public data: { message: string; code: string; type: 'UnauthorizedError' } constructor(code: string, error: { message: string }) { super(error.message) this.message = error.message this.inner = error = { message: this.message, code, type: 'UnauthorizedError' } Object.setPrototypeOf(this, UnauthorizedError.prototype) } } /** * If JwtAuthOptions.secret is a function, then this is the signature of the callback function provided to that function */ export type JwtSecretFuncCallback = (err: Error | null, secret: string) => void /** * This is a function with two args payload, and done. * * `request` is the original request * `payload` is the decoded JWT payload * `callback` is an error-first callback defined below */ export type JwtSecretFunc = ( request: any, payload: any, callback: JwtSecretFuncCallback ) => void /** * This is an object literal that contains options. */ export interface JwtAuthOptions { auth_header_required?: boolean secret: string | JwtSecretFunc timeout?: number // In milliseconds to handle the second round trip. callback?: boolean | number // To disconnect socket server-side without a client-side callback if no valid token. decodedPropertyName?: string // Property to store the decoded token to. handshake?: boolean // Used to trigger a single round trip authentication. required?: boolean } /** * Defines possible errors for the secret-callback. */ interface ISocketIOError { readonly code: string readonly message: string } interface AuthOptions extends JwtAuthOptions { additional_auth?: ( decoded: object, onSuccess: () => void, onError: (err: string | ISocketIOError, code: string) => void ) => void customDecoded?: (decoded: object) => object encodedPropertyName: string decodedPropertyName: string cookie?: string } type ISocketIOMiddleware = (socket: Socket, fn: (err?: any) => void) => void /** * @description This function returns a middleware function for use with Socket.IO that authenticates a new connection. * @param options is an object literal that contains options. */ export function authorize(authOptions: JwtAuthOptions): ISocketIOMiddleware { const options: AuthOptions = Object.assign( { decodedPropertyName: 'decoded_token', encodedPropertyName: 'encoded_token' }, authOptions ) if ( typeof options.secret !== 'string' && typeof options.secret !== 'function' ) { throw new Error( `Provided secret ${options.secret} is invalid, must be of type string or function.` ) } if (!options.handshake) { return noQsMethod(options) } const defaults = { success: (socket: Socket, accept: Function) => { if (socket.request) { accept() } else { accept(null, true) } }, fail: (error: Error, socket: Socket, accept: Function) => { if (socket.request) { accept(error) } else { accept(null, false) } } } const auth = Object.assign(defaults, options) return (socket: any, accept: Function) => { let token: any, error: any const handshake = socket.handshake const req = socket.request || socket const authorization_header = (req.headers || {}).authorization if (authorization_header) { const parts = authorization_header.split(' ') if (parts.length === 2) { const scheme = parts[0] const credentials = parts[1] if (scheme.toLowerCase() === 'bearer') { token = credentials } } else { error = new UnauthorizedError('credentials_bad_format', { message: 'Format is Authorization: Bearer [token]' }) return, socket, accept) } } // Check if the header has to include authentication if (options.auth_header_required && token == null) { return new UnauthorizedError('missing_authorization_header', { message: 'Server requires Authorization Header' }), socket, accept ) } // Get the token from handshake or query string if (handshake && handshake.query.token) { token = handshake.query.token } else if (req._query && req._query.token) { token = req._query.token } else if (req.query && req.query.token) { token = req.query.token } if (token == null) { error = new UnauthorizedError('credentials_required', { message: 'no token provided' }) return, socket, accept) } // Store encoded JWT socket = Object.assign(socket, { [options.encodedPropertyName]: token }) const onJwtVerificationReady = (err: any, decoded: any) => { if (err != null) { error = new UnauthorizedError(err.code || 'invalid_token', err) return, socket, accept) } socket = Object.assign(socket, { [options.decodedPropertyName]: options.customDecoded != null ? options.customDecoded(decoded) : decoded }) return auth.success(socket, accept) } const onSecretReady = (err: any, secret: string) => { if (err) { error = new UnauthorizedError(err.code || 'invalid_secret', err) return, socket, accept) } jwt.verify(token, secret, options as any, onJwtVerificationReady) } getSecret(req, options.secret, token, onSecretReady) } } function getSecret( request: any, secret: any, token: string, callback: Function ) { if (typeof secret === 'function') { if (!token) { return callback({ code: 'invalid_token', message: 'jwt must be provided' }) } const parts = token.split('.') if (parts.length < 3) { return callback({ code: 'invalid_token', message: 'jwt malformed' }) } if (parts[2].trim() === '') { return callback({ code: 'invalid_token', message: 'jwt signature is required' }) } const decodedToken = jwt.decode(token, { complete: true }) as { [key: string]: any } if (decodedToken == null) { return callback({ code: 'invalid_token', message: 'jwt malformed' }) } const arity = secret.length if (arity === 4) { secret(request, decodedToken.header, decodedToken.payload, callback) } else { // arity == 3 secret(request, decodedToken.payload, callback) } } else { callback(null, secret) } } function noQsMethod(options: AuthOptions): ISocketIOMiddleware { const defaults = { required: true } options = Object.assign(defaults, options) return (socket: any) => { let auth_timeout: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null if (options.required) { auth_timeout = setTimeout(() => { socket.disconnect(true) }, options.timeout ?? 5000) } socket.on('authenticate', (data: any) => { if (options.required && auth_timeout != null) { clearTimeout(auth_timeout) } const onError = (err: any, code: string) => { if (err) { code = code ?? 'unknown' const error = new UnauthorizedError(code, { message: === '[object Object]' && err.message ? err.message : err }) let callback_timeout: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null // If callback explicitly set to false, start timeout to disconnect socket if ( options.callback === false || typeof options.callback === 'number' ) { if (typeof options.callback === 'number') { if (options.callback < 0) { // If callback is negative(invalid value), make it positive options.callback = Math.abs(options.callback) } } callback_timeout = setTimeout( () => { socket.disconnect(true) }, options.callback === false ? 0 : options.callback ) } socket.emit('unauthorized', error, () => { if ( typeof options.callback === 'number' && callback_timeout != null ) { clearTimeout(callback_timeout) } socket.disconnect(true) }) return null } } const token = options.cookie ? socket.request.cookies[options.cookie] : data ? data.token : undefined if (token == null || typeof token !== 'string') { return onError({ message: 'invalid token datatype' }, 'invalid_token') } // Store encoded JWT socket = Object.assign(socket, { [options.encodedPropertyName]: token }) const onJwtVerificationReady = (err: any, decoded: any) => { if (err) { return onError(err, 'invalid_token') } // success handler const onSuccess = () => { socket = Object.assign(socket, { [options.decodedPropertyName]: options.customDecoded }) socket.emit('authenticated') } if ( options.additional_auth != null && typeof options.additional_auth === 'function' ) { options.additional_auth(decoded, onSuccess, onError) } else { onSuccess() } } const onSecretReady = (err: any, secret: string) => { if (err != null || secret == null) { return onError(err, 'invalid_secret') } jwt.verify(token, secret, options as any, onJwtVerificationReady) } getSecret(socket.request, options.secret, token, onSecretReady) }) } }