
Authenticate incoming connections with JWTs.

Licence MIT Contributor Covenant
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## 📜 About Authenticate incoming connections with JWTs. Compatible with ` >= 3.0.0`. This repository was originally forked from [auth0-socketio-jwt]( & it is not intended to take any credit but to improve the code from now on. ## 💾 Install **Note:** It is a package that is recommended to use/install on both the client and server sides. ```sh npm install --save @thream/socketio-jwt ``` ## ⚙️ Usage ### Server side ```ts import { Server } from '' import { authorize } from '@thream/socketio-jwt' const io = new Server(9000) io.use( authorize({ secret: 'your secret or public key' }) ) io.on('connection', async (socket) => { // jwt payload of the connected client console.log(socket.decodedToken) const clients = await io.sockets.allSockets() if (clients != null) { for (const clientId of clients) { const client = io.sockets.sockets.get(clientId) client?.emit('messages', { message: 'Success!' }) // we can access the jwt payload of each connected client console.log(client?.decodedToken) } } }) ``` ### Server side with `jwks-rsa` (example) ```ts import jwksClient from 'jwks-rsa' import { Server } from '' import { authorize } from '@thream/socketio-jwt' const client = jwksClient({ jwksUri: '' }) const io = new Server(9000) io.use( authorize({ secret: async (decodedToken) => { const key = await client.getSigningKeyAsync(decodedToken.header.kid) return key.getPublicKey() } }) ) io.on('connection', async (socket) => { // jwt payload of the connected client console.log(socket.decodedToken) // You can do the same things of the previous example there... }) ``` ### Server side with `onAuthentication` (example) ```ts import { Server } from '' import { authorize } from '@thream/socketio-jwt' const io = new Server(9000) io.use( authorize({ secret: 'your secret or public key', onAuthentication: async (decodedToken) => { // return the object that you want to add to the user property // or throw an error if the token is unauthorized } }) ) io.on('connection', async (socket) => { // jwt payload of the connected client console.log(socket.decodedToken) // You can do the same things of the previous example there... // user object returned in onAuthentication console.log(socket.user) }) ``` ### `authorize` options - `secret` is a string containing the secret for HMAC algorithms, or a function that should fetch the secret or public key as shown in the example with `jwks-rsa`. - `algorithms` (default: `HS256`) - `onAuthentication` is a function that will be called with the `decodedToken` as a parameter after the token is authenticated. Return a value to add to the `user` property in the socket object. ### Client side ```ts import { io } from '' import { isUnauthorizedError } from '@thream/socketio-jwt' // Require Bearer Token const socket = io('http://localhost:9000', { auth: { token: `Bearer ${yourJWT}` } }) // Handling token expiration socket.on('connect_error', (error) => { if (isUnauthorizedError(error)) { console.log('User token has expired') } }) // Listening to events socket.on('messages', (data) => { console.log(data) }) ``` ## 💡 Contributing Anyone can help to improve the project, submit a Feature Request, a bug report or even correct a simple spelling mistake. The steps to contribute can be found in the [](./ file. ## 📄 License [MIT](./LICENSE)