refactor(styles): improve css-triangle/breakpoint mixins and implement pseudo-element mixin
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,34 +24,74 @@
visibility: visible #{$important};
@mixin css-triangle($triangle-size, $triangle-color, $triangle-direction) {
content: '';
display: block;
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-style: solid;
border-width: $triangle-size;
@mixin pseudo-element(
$el-height: 0,
$el-width: 0,
$isCentered: false,
$el-background: transparent,
$el-rotation: 0deg,
$el-transition: none,
$isVisible: true
) {
@if $element == 'before' or $element == 'after' {
position: relative;
@if $triangle-direction == down {
border-bottom-width: 0;
border-color: $triangle-color transparent transparent;
@if $triangle-direction == up {
border-top-width: 0;
border-color: transparent transparent $triangle-color;
@if $triangle-direction == right {
border-right-width: 0;
border-color: transparent transparent transparent $triangle-color;
@if $triangle-direction == left {
border-left-width: 0;
border-color: transparent $triangle-color transparent transparent;
&:#{$element} {
@extend %content;
width: #{$el-width};
height: #{$el-height};
background: #{$el-background};
transition: #{$el-transition};
@if $isVisible {
@include element-invisible-off;
} @else {
@include element-invisible;
@if $isCentered {
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(#{$el-rotation});
} @else {
transform: rotate(#{$el-rotation});
} @else {
@warn "`#{$el}` isn't a valid pseudo element";
@mixin breakpoint($query, $no-query: false) {
@include breakpoints.breakpoint($query, $no-query) {
@mixin css-triangle(
) {
@include pseudo-element(#{$pseudo}) {
border-style: solid;
border-width: $triangle-size;
border-#{$triangle-direction}-width: 0;
border-color: if($triangle-direction == down, $triangle-color, transparent)
if($triangle-direction == left, $triangle-color, transparent)
if($triangle-direction == up, $triangle-color, transparent)
if($triangle-direction == right, $triangle-color, transparent);
@mixin respond-to($breakpoint) {
@if map-has-key($breakpoints, $breakpoint) {
@media (max-width: map-get($breakpoints, $breakpoint)) {
} @else {
@error "Unfortunately, no value could be retrieved from `#{$breakpoint}`. "
+ "Available breakpoints are: #{map-keys($breakpoints)}.";
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