import { ResponseType } from '@tauri-apps/api/http' import { GAMEDATA_ENDPOINTS, client } from '../config/Endpoints' import type { ConvertionHandler } from '../types' import type { DomainTypes } from '../config/Domain' import { parseData } from './parseData' import { Convertion } from '../config/Convertion' import { downloadGamedata } from './rusty' export const handleConvertion = async ( domain: DomainTypes, callback: ConvertionHandler, assetsOption = false ): Promise => { if (!assetsOption) { callback('Initializing Gamedata configuration...', 'loading') const gameData = await GAMEDATA_ENDPOINTS(domain) await Promise.all( (endpoint) => { if (endpoint.src.startsWith('http')) { return await client .get(endpoint.src, { responseType: ResponseType.Text }) .then(async ({ data }) => { return await downloadGamedata(data as string, endpoint).catch((error) => { return console.log(error) }) }) .catch((error) => { return callback(error, 'error') }) } else { return await parseData(Convertion.gamedataDir, endpoint.file_name, endpoint.src) } }) ) // callback('Converting shockwave files...', 'loading') // fetch, read and convert the files from the production folder in the user downloads' folder // write the files into a seperate folder } else { /* ASSETS_ENDPOINTS(domain).map((endpoint) => { client.get() }) */ } }