mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 21:44:51 +01:00
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1 Commits
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1d35f72c79 |
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# Diagrammes
## Diagramme UML
Les modélisation UML du projet sont disponibles sous forme de [PlantUML](https://www.plantuml.com) dans ce dossier. Les diagrammes sont générés automatiquement à partir des fichiers `.puml` afin de pouvoir être versionnés et mis à jour facilement. Vous pouvez les consulter en récupérant le contenu des fichiers et en les prévisualisant sur [PlantUML](https://www.plantuml.com/plantuml).
- [Diagramme de classes](./UML/class-diagram.puml)
- [Diagramme d'activités](./UML/activity-diagram/activity-diagram.puml)
- [Diagramme de cas d'utilisation](./UML/use-case-diagram.puml)
- [Diagramme d'états](./UML/state-diagram/state-diagram.puml)
## Diagramme de Gantt
La modélisation du diagramme de Gantt est générée automatiquement à partir du fichier [gant-diagram.gantt](./gantt-diagram.gantt) en utilisant n'importe quel outil de visualisation de diagramme de Gantt. Vous pouvez par exemple installer [GanttProject](https://www.ganttproject.biz/) ou utiliser l'outil en ligne [Online Gantt](https://www.onlinegantt.com/#/gantt).
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# Diagrammes
## Diagramme UML
Les modélisations UML du projet sont générés à partir des fichiers `.puml` dans le dossier [UML](./UML). Vous pouvez les consulter en récupérant le contenu des fichiers et en les prévisualisant sur [PlantUML](https://www.plantuml.com/plantuml).
- [Diagramme de classes](./UML/class-diagram.puml)
- [Diagramme d'activités](./UML/activity-diagram/activity-diagram.puml)
- [Diagramme de cas d'utilisation](./UML/use-case-diagram.puml)
- [Diagramme d'états](./UML/state-diagram/state-diagram.puml)
## Diagramme de Gantt
La modélisation du diagramme de Gantt est générée à partir du fichier [gant-diagram.gantt](./gantt-diagram.gantt) en utilisant n'importe quel outil de visualisation de diagramme de Gantt. Vous pouvez par exemple installer [GanttProject](https://www.ganttproject.biz/) ou utiliser l'outil en ligne [Online Gantt](https://www.onlinegantt.com/#/gantt).
@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
# Unity
Documentation about the basics of [Unity](https://unity.com/) (cross-platform game engine) and most useful things to know, to develop a 2D game.
## Links
- [Unity 6 User Manual](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/index.html)
- [YouTube (Game Maker's Toolkit) - The Unity Tutorial For Complete Beginners](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtQMytORBmM)
## Unity Interface (4 panels by default)
- Project (bottom): Contains everything that is in our game, like sprites (2D graphical object/image), sound effects, scripts, fonts, etc. Some of them are made in Unity. We can also import files from our computer.
- Hierarchy (left): Contains all the stuff that's in the current scene.
- Scene (middle): A **scene** is a level in our game. Scene are made up of **GameObjects**.
- Inspector (right): Shows the properties and **components** of the selected **GameObject**.
## GameObject
`GameObject` is an invisible container. Properties:
- **Name**
- **Transform**
- a Position (`X`, `Y`, `Z`)
- a Rotation (`X`, `Y`, `Z`)
- a Scale (`X`, `Y`, `Z`)
- **Components**: to add extra features (e.g: `SpriteRenderer` to display a sprite, `BoxCollider2D` to detect collisions, etc).
To create a new `GameObject`, we can right-click in the `Hierarchy` panel and select `Create Empty`.
`GameObject` can have children `GameObject`s. Nesting `GameObject`s is useful to group objects together, and for example, move them all at once, just by moving the parent `GameObject`.
## Components
### SpriteRenderer
The `SpriteRenderer` component renders the Sprite and controls how it visually appears in a Scene. Fields:
- `Sprite`: to select the sprite to render. We can drag a sprite from the `Project` panel.
### Camera
The `Camera` component renders the scene from the point of view of the camera. Fields:
- `Size`: to zoom in and out.
- `Background`: background color.
### Rigidbody2D
The `Rigidbody2D` component allows a `GameObject` to react to physics (gravity, mass).
### Collider2D
The `Collider2D` component allows a `GameObject` to interact with other `GameObject`s. It allows to detect collisions (control hitboxes).
There are different types of colliders:
- `BoxCollider2D`: a box-shaped collider.
- `CircleCollider2D`: a circle-shaped collider.
### Script
Allows to make our own custom component with C# code.
`MonoBehaviour` is the base class from which script derives. It offers life cycle functions: `Start`, `Update`, `OnEnable` etc.
It has a property called `gameObject` which is the `GameObject` to which the script is attached. For example, to change the name of the `GameObject` to which the script is attached, we can write `gameObject.name = "New Name";`.
using UnityEngine;
public class BirdScript : MonoBehaviour
// Start is called once before the first execution of Update after the MonoBehaviour is created
public void Start()
// Update is called every frame over, over and over again, run as often as it can depending on the frame rate and computer performance
public void Update()
## UnityEngine C#
### Script communication with other components (for example with `Rigidbody2D`)
By default, the script is unaware of the other components attached to the `GameObject`.
To access the `Rigidbody2D` component from the script, we can create a public field of type `Rigidbody2D` in the script.
using UnityEngine;
public class BirdScript : MonoBehaviour
public Rigidbody2D myRigidBody;
In the Unity Editor, the `myRigidBody` field will appear in the `Inspector` panel. We can drag the `Rigidbody2D` component from the `GameObject` to the `myRigidBody` field.
### Input
To get input from the player, we can use the `Input` class.
For example, to detect when the player presses the `Space` key, we can use the `Input.GetKeyDown` method.
In the following example, when the player presses the `Space` key, the bird object will jump.
using UnityEngine;
public class BirdScript : MonoBehaviour
public Rigidbody2D rigidBody;
public void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
rigidBody.linearVelocity = Vector2.up * 10;
### `Time.deltaTime`
`Time.deltaTime` is the interval in seconds from the last frame to the current one.
It's useful to make the game frame rate independent, as it ensures that the game runs at the same speed on different computers, (code inside `Update` method).
using UnityEngine;
public class BirdScript : MonoBehaviour
public Rigidbody2D rigidBody;
public void Update()
// Move the bird to the right, 5 units per second
transform.position = transform.position + (5 * Time.deltaTime * Vector3.right);
### `Debug.Log`
`Debug.Log` is a method that prints a message to the console, helpful for debugging.
using UnityEngine;
public class BirdScript : MonoBehaviour
public void Start()
Debug.Log("Hello World!");
### `Destroy`
To destroy a `GameObject`, we can use the `Destroy` method. Useful for performance optimization, for example to destroy a pipe that is no longer visible on the screen.
For example, to destroy a pipe when it reaches a certain position on the left side of the screen (`deadZone`):
using UnityEngine;
public class PipeMoveScript : MonoBehaviour
public float moveSpeed = 5;
public float deadZone = -45;
public void Update()
transform.position = transform.position + (Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed * Vector3.left);
if (transform.position.x < deadZone)
### Prefabricated `GameObject`
`GameObject` can be prefabricated. Prefabs are reusable `GameObject`s that can be created and modified in the `Project` panel (like a blueprint), for example to spawn objects in the scene dynamically at runtime, with `Instantiate`.
using UnityEngine;
public class PipeSpawnScript : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject pipe;
public void Start()
Instantiate(pipe, transform.position, transform.rotation);
### `[ContextMenu]`
The `[ContextMenu]` attribute allows to add a custom function to the context menu of the script in the Unity Editor.
It's useful for debugging, to be able to call a function directly from the Unity Editor.
using UnityEngine;
public class LogicManagerScript : MonoBehaviour
public void AddScore()
Debug.Log("Score added!");
@ -14,11 +14,8 @@ Développement d'une reproduction du jeu [Geometry Dash](https://fr.wikipedia.or
- [Sujet](./Documentation/Sujet-Projet-Geometry-Dash.pdf)
- [Sujet](./Documentation/Sujet-Projet-Geometry-Dash.pdf)
- [Kanban Board (Trello)](https://trello.com/b/ugG5Siaw/cnam-geometry-dash)
- [Kanban Board (Trello)](https://trello.com/b/ugG5Siaw/cnam-geometry-dash)
- [Explication Diagrammes](./Documentation/diagrammes.md)
- [Diagrammes UML](./UML)
- [Diagramme de GANTT](./Documentation/gantt-diagram.gantt)
- [Diagrammes UML](./Documentation/UML)
- [Conventions développement informatique](./Documentation/conventions.md)
- [Conventions développement informatique](./Documentation/conventions.md)
- [Unity - Prise de notes (Anglais)](./Documentation/unity.md)
## Prérequis
## Prérequis
Reference in New Issue
Block a user