import test from "node:test" import assert from "node:assert/strict" import path from "node:path" import fs from "node:fs" import { PassThrough } from "node:stream" import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url" import sinon from "sinon" import { execa } from "execa" import { table } from "table" import chalk from "chalk" import logSymbols from "log-symbols" import { cli } from "../cli.js" import { HTMLValidatorCommand, CONFIG_FILE_NAME, SEVERITIES, } from "../HTMLValidatorCommand.js" const FIXTURES_PATH = path.join(process.cwd(), "src", "__test__", "fixtures") await test("html-w3c-validator", async (t) => { t.afterEach(() => { sinon.restore() }) await t.test("should be instance of the command", async () => { const command = cli.process([]) assert(command instanceof HTMLValidatorCommand) }) await t.test( "succeeds and validate the html correctly (example)", async () => { const exampleURL = new URL("../../example", import.meta.url) process.chdir(exampleURL.pathname) await fs.promises.rm( path.join(fileURLToPath(exampleURL), "node_modules"), { recursive: true, force: true }, ) await execa("npm", ["install"]) const { exitCode } = await execa("npm", [ "run", "test:html-w3c-validator", ]) assert.strictEqual(exitCode, 0) }, ) await t.test( "succeeds and validate the html correctly (example without working directory)", async () => { const logs: string[] = [] sinon.stub(console, "log").value((log: string) => { logs.push(log) }) const consoleLogSpy = sinon.spy(console, "log") const stream = new PassThrough() const exitCode = await[], { stdin: process.stdin, stdout: stream, stderr: stream, }) stream.end() assert.strictEqual(exitCode, 0) assert.strictEqual( consoleLogSpy.calledWith( logSymbols.success, "./example/build/index.html", ), true, logs.join("\n"), ) assert.strictEqual( consoleLogSpy.calledWith( logSymbols.success, "./example/build/about.html", ), true, logs.join("\n"), ) }, ) await t.test( "succeeds and validate the html correctly (fixture)", async () => { const workingDirectory = path.join(FIXTURES_PATH, "success") const logs: string[] = [] sinon.stub(console, "log").value((log: string) => { logs.push(log) }) const consoleLogSpy = sinon.spy(console, "log") const stream = new PassThrough() const exitCode = await [`--current-working-directory=${workingDirectory}`], { stdin: process.stdin, stdout: stream, stderr: stream, }, ) stream.end() assert.strictEqual(exitCode, 0) assert.strictEqual( consoleLogSpy.calledWith(logSymbols.success, "./build/index.html"), true, logs.join("\n"), ) assert.strictEqual( consoleLogSpy.calledWith(logSymbols.success, "./build/about.html"), true, logs.join("\n"), ) }, ) await t.test("fails with not found config", async () => { const workingDirectory = path.join(FIXTURES_PATH, "error-config-not-found") const configPath = path.join(workingDirectory, CONFIG_FILE_NAME) const errors: string[] = [] sinon.stub(console, "error").value((error: string) => { errors.push(error) }) const consoleErrorSpy = sinon.spy(console, "error") const stream = new PassThrough() const exitCode = await [`--current-working-directory=${workingDirectory}`], { stdin: process.stdin, stdout: stream, stderr: stream, }, ) stream.end() assert.strictEqual(exitCode, 1) assert.strictEqual( consoleErrorSpy.calledWith("Error:") + ` No config file found at ${configPath}. Please create "${CONFIG_FILE_NAME}".`, ), true, errors.join("\n"), ) }) await t.test("fails with invalid JSON config", async () => { const workingDirectory = path.join( FIXTURES_PATH, "error-config-invalid-json", ) const configPath = path.join(workingDirectory, CONFIG_FILE_NAME) const errors: string[] = [] sinon.stub(console, "error").value((error: string) => { errors.push(error) }) const consoleErrorSpy = sinon.spy(console, "error") const stream = new PassThrough() const exitCode = await [`--current-working-directory=${workingDirectory}`], { stdin: process.stdin, stdout: stream, stderr: stream, }, ) stream.end() assert.strictEqual(exitCode, 1) assert.strictEqual( consoleErrorSpy.calledWith("Error:") + ` Invalid config file at "${configPath}". Please check the JSON syntax.`, ), true, errors.join("\n"), ) }) await t.test("fails with invalid URLs config", async () => { const workingDirectory = path.join( FIXTURES_PATH, "error-config-invalid-urls", ) const configPath = path.join(workingDirectory, CONFIG_FILE_NAME) const errors: string[] = [] sinon.stub(console, "error").value((error: string) => { errors.push(error) }) const consoleErrorSpy = sinon.spy(console, "error") const stream = new PassThrough() const exitCode = await [`--current-working-directory=${workingDirectory}`], { stdin: process.stdin, stdout: stream, stderr: stream, }, ) stream.end() assert.strictEqual(exitCode, 1) assert.strictEqual( consoleErrorSpy.calledWith("Error:") + ` Invalid config file at "${configPath}". Please include an array of URLs.`, ), true, errors.join("\n"), ) }) await t.test("fails with invalid files config", async () => { const workingDirectory = path.join( FIXTURES_PATH, "error-config-invalid-files", ) const configPath = path.join(workingDirectory, CONFIG_FILE_NAME) const errors: string[] = [] sinon.stub(console, "error").value((error: string) => { errors.push(error) }) const consoleErrorSpy = sinon.spy(console, "error") const stream = new PassThrough() const exitCode = await [`--current-working-directory=${workingDirectory}`], { stdin: process.stdin, stdout: stream, stderr: stream, }, ) stream.end() assert.strictEqual(exitCode, 1) assert.strictEqual( consoleErrorSpy.calledWith("Error:") + ` Invalid config file at "${configPath}". Please include an array of files.`, ), true, errors.join("\n"), ) }) await t.test("fails with invalid files and urls config", async () => { const workingDirectory = path.join( FIXTURES_PATH, "error-config-invalid-files-and-urls", ) const configPath = path.join(workingDirectory, CONFIG_FILE_NAME) const errors: string[] = [] sinon.stub(console, "error").value((error: string) => { errors.push(error) }) const consoleErrorSpy = sinon.spy(console, "error") const stream = new PassThrough() const exitCode = await [`--current-working-directory=${workingDirectory}`], { stdin: process.stdin, stdout: stream, stderr: stream, }, ) stream.end() assert.strictEqual(exitCode, 1) assert.strictEqual( consoleErrorSpy.calledWith("Error:") + ` Invalid config file at "${configPath}". Please add URLs or files.`, ), true, errors.join("\n"), ) }) await t.test("fails with invalid severities config", async () => { const workingDirectory = path.join( FIXTURES_PATH, "error-config-invalid-severities", ) const configPath = path.join(workingDirectory, CONFIG_FILE_NAME) const errors: string[] = [] sinon.stub(console, "error").value((error: string) => { errors.push(error) }) const consoleErrorSpy = sinon.spy(console, "error") const stream = new PassThrough() const exitCode = await [`--current-working-directory=${workingDirectory}`], { stdin: process.stdin, stdout: stream, stderr: stream, }, ) stream.end() assert.strictEqual(exitCode, 1) assert.strictEqual( consoleErrorSpy.calledWith("Error:") + ` Invalid config file at "${configPath}". Please add valid severities (${SEVERITIES.join( ", ", )}).`, ), true, errors.join("\n"), ) }) await t.test("fails with invalid empty severities config", async () => { const workingDirectory = path.join( FIXTURES_PATH, "error-config-invalid-severities-empty", ) const configPath = path.join(workingDirectory, CONFIG_FILE_NAME) const errors: string[] = [] sinon.stub(console, "error").value((error: string) => { errors.push(error) }) const consoleErrorSpy = sinon.spy(console, "error") const stream = new PassThrough() const exitCode = await [`--current-working-directory=${workingDirectory}`], { stdin: process.stdin, stdout: stream, stderr: stream, }, ) stream.end() assert.strictEqual(exitCode, 1) assert.strictEqual( consoleErrorSpy.calledWith("Error:") + ` Invalid config file at "${configPath}". Please add valid severities (${SEVERITIES.join( ", ", )}).`, ), true, errors.join("\n"), ) }) await t.test("fails with invalid files paths to check", async () => { const workingDirectory = path.join( FIXTURES_PATH, "error-invalid-files-paths-to-check", ) const htmlPath = path.resolve(workingDirectory, "index.html") const errors: string[] = [] sinon.stub(console, "error").value((error: string) => { errors.push(error) }) const consoleErrorSpy = sinon.spy(console, "error") const stream = new PassThrough() const exitCode = await [`--current-working-directory=${workingDirectory}`], { stdin: process.stdin, stdout: stream, stderr: stream, }, ) stream.end() assert.strictEqual(exitCode, 1) const messagesTable = [ [`No file found at "${htmlPath}". Please check the path.`], ] assert.strictEqual( consoleErrorSpy.calledWith("Error:") + " HTML validation (W3C) failed!", ), true, errors.join("\n"), ) assert.strictEqual( consoleErrorSpy.calledWith(table(messagesTable)), true, errors.join("\n"), ) }) await t.test("fails with invalid W3C HTML", async () => { const workingDirectory = path.join(FIXTURES_PATH, "error-invalid-w3c-html") const errors: string[] = [] sinon.stub(console, "error").value((error: string) => { errors.push(error) }) const consoleErrorSpy = sinon.spy(console, "error") const stream = new PassThrough() const exitCode = await [`--current-working-directory=${workingDirectory}`], { stdin: process.stdin, stdout: stream, stderr: stream, }, ) stream.end() assert.strictEqual(exitCode, 1) const messagesTable = [ [ chalk.yellow("warning"), "Consider adding a “lang” attribute to the “html” start tag to declare the language of this document.", "line: 2, column: 16-6", ], ] assert.strictEqual( consoleErrorSpy.calledWith("Error:") + " HTML validation (W3C) failed!", ), true, errors.join("\n"), ) assert.strictEqual( consoleErrorSpy.calledWith(table(messagesTable)), true, errors.join("\n"), ) }) })