
Custom rule for markdownlint to validate relative links.

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## 📜 About **markdownlint-rule-relative-links** is a [markdownlint]( custom rule to validate relative links. It ensures that relative links (using `file:` protocol) are working and exists in the file system of the project that uses [markdownlint]( ### Example File structure: ```txt ├── abc.txt └── ``` With `` content: ```md [abc](./abc.txt) [Invalid link](./invalid.txt) ``` Running [markdownlint-cli2]( with `markdownlint-rule-relative-links` will output: ```sh relative-links Relative links should be valid ["./invalid.txt" should exist in the file system] ``` ### Additional features - Support images (e.g: `![Image](./image.png)`). - Support links fragments similar to the [built-in `markdownlint` rule - MD051]( (e.g: `[Link](./`). - Ignore external links and absolute paths as it only checks relative links (e.g: `` or `/absolute/path.png`). ### Limitations - Only images and links defined using markdown syntax are validated, html syntax is ignored (e.g: `` or ``). Contributions are welcome to improve the rule, and to alleviate these limitations. See [](./ for more information. ### Related links - [DavidAnson/markdownlint#253]( - [DavidAnson/markdownlint#121]( - [nschonni/markdownlint-valid-links]( ## Prerequisites [Node.js]( >= 16.0.0 ## Installation ```sh npm install --save-dev markdownlint-rule-relative-links ``` ## Configuration There are various ways [markdownlint]( can be configured using objects, config files etc. For more information on configuration refer to [options.config]( We recommend configuring [markdownlint-cli2]( over [markdownlint-cli]( for compatibility with the [vscode-markdownlint]( extension. `.markdownlint-cli2.jsonc` ```json { "config": { "default": true, "relative-links": true }, "globs": ["**/*.md"], "ignores": ["**/node_modules"], "customRules": ["markdownlint-rule-relative-links"] } ``` `package.json` ```json { "scripts": { "lint:markdown": "markdownlint-cli2" } } ``` ## Usage ```sh node --run lint:markdown ``` ## 💡 Contributing Anyone can help to improve the project, submit a Feature Request, a bug report or even correct a simple spelling mistake. The steps to contribute can be found in the [](./ file. ## 📄 License [MIT](./LICENSE)