import type { GoalBoolean, GoalNumeric } from "@/domain/entities/Goal" import { GoalBooleanProgress, GoalNumericProgress, } from "@/domain/entities/Goal" import type { HabitProgressData } from "@/domain/entities/HabitProgress" import { HabitProgress } from "@/domain/entities/HabitProgress" import { HABIT_MOCK } from "./Habit" interface HabitProgressMockCreateOptions extends Omit { date?: Date } const habitProgressMockCreate = ( options: HabitProgressMockCreateOptions, ): HabitProgress => { const { id, habitId, goalProgress, date = new Date() } = options return new HabitProgress({ date, goalProgress, habitId, id, }) } const exampleByIds = { 1: habitProgressMockCreate({ id: "1", habitId: HABIT_MOCK.examplesByNames["Clean the house"].id, goalProgress: new GoalBooleanProgress({ goal: HABIT_MOCK.examplesByNames["Clean the house"].goal as GoalBoolean, progress: true, }), }), 2: habitProgressMockCreate({ id: "2", habitId:, goalProgress: new GoalNumericProgress({ goal: HABIT_MOCK.examplesByNames.Walk.goal as GoalNumeric, progress: 4_733, }), }), } as const export const HABIT_PROGRESS_MOCK = { create: habitProgressMockCreate, exampleByIds, examples: Object.values(exampleByIds), }