CREATE TYPE "public"."goal_frequency" AS enum ('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly'); CREATE TABLE "public"."habits" ( "id" bigint generated by DEFAULT AS identity NOT NULL, "name" text NOT NULL, "color" text NOT NULL, "icon" text NOT NULL, "start_date" timestamp WITH time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), "end_date" timestamp WITH time zone, "goal_frequency" goal_frequency NOT NULL, "goal_target" bigint, "goal_target_unit" text, "user_id" uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() ); ALTER TABLE "public"."habits" enable ROW LEVEL SECURITY; CREATE TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" ( "id" bigint generated by DEFAULT AS identity NOT NULL, "habit_id" bigint NOT NULL, "date" timestamp WITH time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), "goal_progress" bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" enable ROW LEVEL SECURITY; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX habits_id_key ON public.habits USING btree (id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX habits_pkey ON public.habits USING btree (id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX habits_progresses_id_key ON public.habits_progresses USING btree (id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX habits_progresses_pkey ON public.habits_progresses USING btree (id); ALTER TABLE "public"."habits" ADD CONSTRAINT "habits_pkey" PRIMARY KEY USING INDEX "habits_pkey"; ALTER TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" ADD CONSTRAINT "habits_progresses_pkey" PRIMARY KEY USING INDEX "habits_progresses_pkey"; ALTER TABLE "public"."habits" ADD CONSTRAINT "habits_id_key" UNIQUE USING INDEX "habits_id_key"; ALTER TABLE "public"."habits" ADD CONSTRAINT "public_habits_user_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES auth.users(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE NOT valid; ALTER TABLE "public"."habits" validate CONSTRAINT "public_habits_user_id_fkey"; ALTER TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" ADD CONSTRAINT "habits_progresses_id_key" UNIQUE USING INDEX "habits_progresses_id_key"; ALTER TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" ADD CONSTRAINT "public_habits_progresses_habit_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (habit_id) REFERENCES habits(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE NOT valid; ALTER TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" validate CONSTRAINT "public_habits_progresses_habit_id_fkey"; GRANT DELETE ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "anon"; GRANT INSERT ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "anon"; GRANT REFERENCES ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "anon"; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "anon"; GRANT trigger ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "anon"; GRANT TRUNCATE ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "anon"; GRANT UPDATE ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "anon"; GRANT DELETE ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "authenticated"; GRANT INSERT ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "authenticated"; GRANT REFERENCES ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "authenticated"; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "authenticated"; GRANT trigger ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "authenticated"; GRANT TRUNCATE ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "authenticated"; GRANT UPDATE ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "authenticated"; GRANT DELETE ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "service_role"; GRANT INSERT ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "service_role"; GRANT REFERENCES ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "service_role"; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "service_role"; GRANT trigger ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "service_role"; GRANT TRUNCATE ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "service_role"; GRANT UPDATE ON TABLE "public"."habits" TO "service_role"; GRANT DELETE ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "anon"; GRANT INSERT ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "anon"; GRANT REFERENCES ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "anon"; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "anon"; GRANT trigger ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "anon"; GRANT TRUNCATE ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "anon"; GRANT UPDATE ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "anon"; GRANT DELETE ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "authenticated"; GRANT INSERT ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "authenticated"; GRANT REFERENCES ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "authenticated"; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "authenticated"; GRANT trigger ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "authenticated"; GRANT TRUNCATE ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "authenticated"; GRANT UPDATE ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "authenticated"; GRANT DELETE ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "service_role"; GRANT INSERT ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "service_role"; GRANT REFERENCES ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "service_role"; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "service_role"; GRANT trigger ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "service_role"; GRANT TRUNCATE ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "service_role"; GRANT UPDATE ON TABLE "public"."habits_progresses" TO "service_role"; CREATE policy "Enable delete for users based on user_id" ON "public"."habits" AS permissive FOR DELETE TO public USING ((auth.uid() = user_id)); CREATE policy "Enable insert for users based on user_id" ON "public"."habits" AS permissive FOR INSERT TO public WITH CHECK ((auth.uid() = user_id)); CREATE policy "Enable select for users based on user_id" ON "public"."habits" AS permissive FOR SELECT TO public USING ((auth.uid() = user_id)); CREATE policy "Enable update for users based on user_id" ON "public"."habits" AS permissive FOR UPDATE TO public USING ((auth.uid() = user_id)) WITH CHECK ((auth.uid() = user_id)); CREATE policy "Enable delete for users based on user_id" ON "public"."habits_progresses" AS permissive FOR DELETE TO public USING ( ( EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ( habits_progresses habit_progress JOIN habits habit ON ((habit_progress.habit_id = ) WHERE ( ( = AND (habit.user_id = auth.uid()) ) ) ) ); CREATE policy "Enable insert for users based on user_id" ON "public"."habits_progresses" AS permissive FOR INSERT TO public WITH CHECK ( ( EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ( habits_progresses habit_progress JOIN habits habit ON ((habit_progress.habit_id = ) WHERE ( ( = AND (habit.user_id = auth.uid()) ) ) ) ); CREATE policy "Enable select for users based on user_id" ON "public"."habits_progresses" AS permissive FOR SELECT TO public USING ( ( EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ( habits_progresses habit_progress JOIN habits habit ON ((habit_progress.habit_id = ) WHERE ( ( = AND (habit.user_id = auth.uid()) ) ) ) ); CREATE policy "Enable update for users based on user_id" ON "public"."habits_progresses" AS permissive FOR UPDATE TO public USING ( ( EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ( habits_progresses habit_progress JOIN habits habit ON ((habit_progress.habit_id = ) WHERE ( ( = AND (habit.user_id = auth.uid()) ) ) ) ) WITH CHECK ( ( EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ( habits_progresses habit_progress JOIN habits habit ON ((habit_progress.habit_id = ) WHERE ( ( = AND (habit.user_id = auth.uid()) ) ) ) );