import type { ZodIssue } from "zod" import { ZodError } from "zod" import { getErrorsFieldsFromZodError } from "../zod" const zodIssue: ZodIssue = { code: "too_small", minimum: 1, type: "string", inclusive: true, exact: false, message: "String must contain at least 1 character(s)", path: ["name"], } describe("utils/zod", () => { describe("getErrorsFieldsFromZodError", () => { it("should return an array of the fields that have errors", () => { // Arrange - Given const error = new ZodError([ { ...zodIssue, path: ["field1"], }, { ...zodIssue, path: ["field2"], }, ]) // Act - When const result = getErrorsFieldsFromZodError(error) // Assert - Then const expected = ["field1", "field2"] expect(result).toEqual(expected) }) }) })