import fs from 'node:fs' import path from 'node:path' import { Command, Option } from 'clipanion' import * as typanion from 'typanion' import chalk from 'chalk' import { Solution } from '../../services/Solution' import { GitAffected } from '../../services/GitAffected' import { template } from '../../services/Template' const successMessage = `${'Success:')} Tests passed! 🎉` export class RunTestCommand extends Command { static paths = [['run', 'test']] static usage = { description: 'Test if the solution is correct and display where it succeeds and fails.' } public programmingLanguage = Option.String('--language', { description: 'The programming language used to solve the challenge.', validator: typanion.isString() }) public challenge = Option.String('--challenge', { description: 'The challenge name where you want to test your solution.', validator: typanion.isString() }) public solutionName = Option.String('--solution', { description: 'solution', validator: typanion.isString() }) public affected = Option.Boolean('--affected', false, { description: 'Only run the tests for the affected files in `git`.' }) public all = Option.Boolean('--all', false, { description: 'Run the tests for all the solutions.' }) public isContinuousIntegration = Option.Boolean('--ci', false, { description: 'Run the tests for the Continuous Integration (CI).' }) public base = Option.String('--base', { description: 'Base of the current branch (usually master)' }) async runTests (solutions: Solution[]): Promise { for (const solution of solutions) { await solution.test() console.log('\n------------------------------\n') } console.log(successMessage) return 0 } async execute (): Promise { console.log() try { if (this.programmingLanguage != null) { await template.verifySupportedProgrammingLanguage(this.programmingLanguage) } if (this.all) { const challengesPath = path.join( __dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'challenges' ) const challenges = await fs.promises.readdir(challengesPath) const paths: string[] = [] for (const challenge of challenges) { const solutionsPath = path.join(challengesPath, challenge, 'solutions') const languagesSolution = (await fs.promises.readdir(solutionsPath)).filter( (name) => { if (this.programmingLanguage != null) { return name === this.programmingLanguage } return name !== '.gitkeep' } ) for (const language of languagesSolution) { const solutionPath = (await fs.promises.readdir(path.join(solutionsPath, language))).map((solutionName) => { return `challenges/${challenge}/solutions/${language}/${solutionName}` }) paths.push(...solutionPath) } } const solutions = await Solution.getManyByPaths(paths) await this.runTests(solutions) return 0 } if (this.affected) { const gitAffected = new GitAffected({ isContinuousIntegration: this.isContinuousIntegration, base: this.base }) const solutions = await gitAffected.getAffectedSolutions() return await this.runTests(solutions) } if ( this.solutionName == null || this.challenge == null || this.programmingLanguage == null ) { throw new Error( 'You must specify all the options (`--challenge`, `--solution`, `--language`).' ) } const solution = await Solution.get({ name: this.solutionName, challengeName: this.challenge, programmingLanguageName: this.programmingLanguage }) await solution.test() console.log(successMessage) return 0 } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { console.error(`${'Error:')} ${error.message}`) } return 1 } } }