import path from 'node:path' import fs from 'node:fs' import { createTemporaryEmptyFolder, TEMPORARY_PATH } from '../utils/createTemporaryEmptyFolder' import { isExistingPath } from '../utils/isExistingPath' import { Challenge } from './Challenge' import { copyDirectory } from '../utils/copyDirectory' import { template } from './Template' import { docker } from './Docker' import { Test } from './Test' export interface GetSolutionOptions { programmingLanguageName: string challengeName: string name: string } export interface GenerateSolutionOptions extends GetSolutionOptions { githubUser: string } export interface SolutionOptions { programmingLanguageName: string challenge: Challenge name: string } export class Solution implements SolutionOptions { public programmingLanguageName: string public challenge: Challenge public name: string public path: string constructor (options: SolutionOptions) { const { programmingLanguageName, challenge, name } = options this.programmingLanguageName = programmingLanguageName this.challenge = challenge = name this.path = path.join( challenge.path, 'solutions', programmingLanguageName, name ) } private async prepareTemporaryFolder (): Promise { await createTemporaryEmptyFolder() await copyDirectory(this.path, TEMPORARY_PATH) await template.docker({ programmingLanguage: this.programmingLanguageName, destination: TEMPORARY_PATH }) process.chdir(TEMPORARY_PATH) } public async test (): Promise { await this.prepareTemporaryFolder() await await Test.runAll(this) } static async generate (options: GenerateSolutionOptions): Promise { const { name, challengeName, programmingLanguageName, githubUser } = options const challenge = new Challenge({ name: challengeName }) if (!(await isExistingPath(challenge.path))) { throw new Error(`The challenge doesn't exist yet: ${name}.`) } const solution = new Solution({ name, challenge, programmingLanguageName }) if (await isExistingPath(solution.path)) { throw new Error('The solution already exists.') } await template.solution({ challengeName:, destination: solution.path, githubUser, programmingLanguageName: solution.programmingLanguageName, name: }) return solution } static async get (options: GetSolutionOptions): Promise { const { name, challengeName, programmingLanguageName } = options const challenge = new Challenge({ name: challengeName }) const solution = new Solution({ name, challenge, programmingLanguageName }) if (!(await isExistingPath(solution.path))) { throw new Error('The solution was not found.') } return solution } static async getManyByProgrammingLanguages (programmingLanguages?: string[]): Promise { const languages = programmingLanguages ?? await template.getProgrammingLanguages() const challengesPath = path.join( __dirname, '..', '..', 'challenges' ) const challenges = await fs.promises.readdir(challengesPath) const paths: string[] = [] for (const challenge of challenges) { const solutionsPath = path.join(challengesPath, challenge, 'solutions') const languagesSolution = (await fs.promises.readdir(solutionsPath)).filter( (name) => { return name !== '.gitkeep' && languages.includes(name) } ) for (const language of languagesSolution) { const solutionPath = (await fs.promises.readdir(path.join(solutionsPath, language))).map((solutionName) => { return `challenges/${challenge}/solutions/${language}/${solutionName}` }) paths.push(...solutionPath) } } return await Solution.getManyByPaths(paths) } /** * Get Solutions by relative paths. * @param paths relative to `challenges` (e.g: `challenges/hello-world/solutions/c/function`) * @returns */ static async getManyByPaths (paths: string[]): Promise { const solutions: string[] = [] for (const path of paths) { if (await isExistingPath(path)) { solutions.push(path) } } return => { const [, challengeName, , programmingLanguageName, solutionName] = solution.replaceAll('\\', '/').split('/') return new Solution({ challenge: new Challenge({ name: challengeName }), name: solutionName, programmingLanguageName }) }) } }