import { Command, Option } from 'clipanion' import * as typanion from 'typanion' import chalk from 'chalk' import { Challenge } from '../../services/Challenge' export class GenerateChallengeCommand extends Command { static paths = [['generate', 'challenge']] static usage = { description: 'Create the basic files needed for a new challenge.' } public challenge = Option.String('--challenge', { description: 'The new challenge name to generate.', required: true, validator: typanion.isString() }) public githubUser = Option.String('--github-user', { description: 'Your GitHub user.', required: true, validator: typanion.isString() }) async execute (): Promise { try { const challenge = await Challenge.generate({ name: this.challenge, githubUser: this.githubUser }) console.log( `${'Success:')} created the new challenge at ${ challenge.path }.` ) return 0 } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { console.error(`${'Error:')} ${error.message}`) } return 1 } } }