import execa from 'execa' import ora from 'ora' import ms from 'ms' export class Docker { static CONTAINER_TAG = 'programming-challenges' static SIGSEGV_EXIT_CODE = 139 static MAXIMUM_TIMEOUT = '1 minute' static MAXIMUM_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS = ms(Docker.MAXIMUM_TIMEOUT) public async build (): Promise { const loader = ora('Building the Docker image').start() try { await execa.command(`docker build --tag=${Docker.CONTAINER_TAG} ./`) loader.stop() } catch (error) { throw error } } public async run (input: string): Promise { const subprocess = execa.command( `docker run --interactive --rm ${Docker.CONTAINER_TAG}`, { input } ) let isValid = true const timeout = setTimeout(() => { subprocess.kill() isValid = false }, Docker.MAXIMUM_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS) try { const { stdout, stderr } = await subprocess if (stderr.length !== 0) { throw new Error(stderr) } clearTimeout(timeout) return stdout } catch (error: any) { if (!isValid) { throw new Error(`Timeout: time limit exceeded (${Docker.MAXIMUM_TIMEOUT}), try to optimize your solution.`) } if (error.exitCode === Docker.SIGSEGV_EXIT_CODE) { throw new Error('Docker run failed: SIGSEGV indicates a segmentation fault (attempts to access a memory location that it\'s not allowed to access).') } throw new Error(`Docker run failed: ${error.message as string}`) } } } export const docker = new Docker()