import path from 'node:path' import fs from 'node:fs' import { Command, Option } from 'clipanion' import * as typanion from 'typanion' import chalk from 'chalk' import { template } from '../../services/Template.js' import { Challenge } from '../../services/Challenge.js' export class SearchCommand extends Command { static paths = [['search']] static usage = { description: 'Search challenges in the programming language specified.' } public solved = Option.Boolean('--solved', false, { description: 'Challenges which have already been solved (at least with one solution).' }) public programmingLanguage = Option.String('--language', { description: 'The programming language used to solve the challenge.', required: true, validator: typanion.isString() }) async execute(): Promise { try { await template.verifySupportedProgrammingLanguage( this.programmingLanguage ) const challenges = await Challenge.getChallenges() const challengesResult: Challenge[] = [] for (const challenge of challenges) { const solutionsPath = path.join(challenge.path, 'solutions') const solutions = await fs.promises.readdir(solutionsPath) if ( (!this.solved && !solutions.includes(this.programmingLanguage)) || (this.solved && solutions.includes(this.programmingLanguage)) ) { challengesResult.push(challenge) } } const message = this.solved ? 'Challenges already solved' : 'Challenges not yet solved' console.log(`${message} in ${chalk.bold(this.programmingLanguage)}:`) for (const challenge of challengesResult) { console.log(` - ${}`) } return 0 } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { console.error(`${'Error:')} ${error.message}`) } return 1 } } }