import path from 'path' import * as fsWithCallbacks from 'fs' import chalk from 'chalk' import makeDir from 'make-dir' import inquirer from 'inquirer' import { replaceInFile } from 'replace-in-file' import validateProjectName from 'validate-npm-package-name' import copyDirPromise from './utils/copyDirPromise' import date from 'date-and-time' ;(async () => { const fs = fsWithCallbacks.promises const QUESTIONS = [ { name: 'challengeName', type: 'input', message: 'Challenge name:' }, { name: 'userGitHub', type: 'input', message: 'Your GitHub name:' } ] const answers = await inquirer.prompt(QUESTIONS) const { challengeName, userGitHub } = answers as { [key: string]: string } console.log() if (!challengeName || challengeName === '') { console.log(chalk.cyan('Please specify the challenge name you want to create.')) process.exit(0) } const validChallengeName = validateProjectName(challengeName) if (!validChallengeName.validForNewPackages) { console.log(` Invalid challenge name: ${} ${validChallengeName.errors != undefined && validChallengeName.errors[0]} `) process.exit(0) } const challengePath = path.resolve( __dirname, '..', 'challenges', challengeName ) const templatePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'templates', 'challenge') // Challenge valid ? if (fsWithCallbacks.existsSync(challengePath)) { console.log(`The challenge already exists: ${}`) process.exit(0) } const createdChallengeTemplatePath = await makeDir(challengePath) const solutionsFolderPath = path.join(createdChallengeTemplatePath, 'solutions') await copyDirPromise(templatePath, createdChallengeTemplatePath) await makeDir(solutionsFolderPath) await fs.writeFile(path.join(solutionsFolderPath, '.gitkeep'), '') // Replace {{ challengeName }} in const readmePath = path.join(createdChallengeTemplatePath, '') await replaceInFile({ files: [readmePath], from: /{{ challengeName }}/g, to: challengeName }) // Replace {{ challengeInfo }} in await replaceInFile({ files: [readmePath], from: /{{ challengeInfo }}/g, to: `Created${(userGitHub !== '') ? ` by [@${userGitHub}](${userGitHub})` : ''} on ${date.format(new Date(), 'D MMMM Y', true)}.` }) console.log(` ${'Success:')} "${challengeName}" challenge created. ${chalk.cyan('You can now edit and input-output.json files.')} `) })()