import path from 'node:path' import fs from 'node:fs' import { Command, Option } from 'clipanion' import * as typanion from 'typanion' import chalk from 'chalk' import { isExistingPath } from '../../utils/isExistingPath.js' import { template } from '../../services/Template.js' import { Solution } from '../../services/Solution.js' import { TemporaryFolder } from '../../services/TemporaryFolder.js' export class RunSolutionCommand extends Command { public static override paths = [['run', 'solution']] public static override usage = { description: 'Run the solution with the given `input.txt` file.' } public programmingLanguage = Option.String('--language', { description: 'The programming language used to solve the challenge.', required: true, validator: typanion.isString() }) public challenge = Option.String('--challenge', { description: 'The challenge name where you want to run your solution.', required: true, validator: typanion.isString() }) public solutionName = Option.String('--solution', { description: 'The solution name to run.', required: true, validator: typanion.isString() }) public inputPathUser = Option.String('--input-path', { description: 'The input file path to use.', required: true, validator: typanion.isString() }) public output = Option.Boolean('--output', false, { description: 'Display the output of the solution.' }) public async execute(): Promise { console.log() try { await TemporaryFolder.cleanAll() await template.verifySupportedProgrammingLanguage( this.programmingLanguage ) const solution = await Solution.get({ name: this.solutionName, challengeName: this.challenge, programmingLanguageName: this.programmingLanguage }) const inputPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), this.inputPathUser) if (!(await isExistingPath(inputPath))) { throw new Error(`The \`input-path\` doesn't exist: ${inputPath}.`) } const input = await fs.promises.readFile(inputPath, { encoding: 'utf-8' }) await, this.output) await TemporaryFolder.cleanAll() return 0 } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { console.error(`${'Error:')} ${error.message}`) } await TemporaryFolder.cleanAll() return 1 } } }