# frequency-deviation Created by [@theoludwig](https://github.com/theoludwig) on 16 September 2023. ## Instructions Given a string consisting of lowercase English letters, we define the frequency deviation of a substring as the difference between the maximum and the minimum frequencies of the characters in that substring. A substring of a string is formed by any contiguous segment of the string. For example, given "bbacccc", the character appearing most frequently is 'c' with $4$ occurrences. The character that appears the fewest times is 'a' with $1$ occurrence. The frequency deviation of the entire string is $4 - 1 = 3$. Given a string, $s$, representing the input string, find the maximum possible frequency deviation of any of its substrings. ### Constraints - $$1 \leq s.length \leq 10^4$$ - $s$ consists of lowercase English letters. ## Source - [LeetCode - Substring With Largest Variance](https://leetcode.com/problems/substring-with-largest-variance/) - [Twitter @CoderNolimit](https://twitter.com/CoderNolimit/status/1668147202173050881) ## Examples See the `test` folder for examples of input/output. ### Example 1 #### Input ```txt bbacccc ``` #### Output ```txt 3 ``` ### Example 2 #### Input ```txt aabb ``` #### Output ```txt 1 ``` ### Example 3 #### Input ```txt aaaaa ``` #### Output ```txt 0 ```