import util from 'util' import path from 'path' import * as fsWithCallbacks from 'fs' import childProcess from 'child_process' import { performance } from 'perf_hooks' import chalk from 'chalk' import deleteAllFilesExceptOne from './utils/deleteAllFilesExceptOne' import emoji from 'node-emoji' import prettyMilliseconds from 'pretty-ms' import { table } from 'table' ;(async () => { const fs = fsWithCallbacks.promises const exec = util.promisify(childProcess.exec) const args = process.argv.slice(2) const [challengeName, solutionName] = args if (!challengeName || !solutionName) { console.log(` Please specify the challenge and solution name: ${chalk.cyan(`npm run test [challenge-name] [solution-name]`)} For example: ${chalk.cyan('npm run test hello-world python-hello')} `) process.exit(0) } const challengePath = path.resolve( __dirname, '..', 'challenges', challengeName ) const solutionFolderPath = path.resolve( challengePath, 'solutions', solutionName ) // Challenge valid ? try { await fs.access(challengePath) } catch { console.log(`The challenge was not found: ${}`) process.exit(0) } // Solution valid ? try { await fs.access(solutionFolderPath) } catch { console.log(`The solution was not found: ${}`) process.exit(0) } // Determinate the language to execute const solutionFilesName = await fs.readdir(solutionFolderPath) let solutionFilePath for (const solutionFileName of solutionFilesName) { const fileName = solutionFileName .split('.') .slice(0, -1) .join('.') if (fileName === 'solution') { solutionFilePath = solutionFileName break } } if (!solutionFilePath) { console.log(`The ${'solution')} file was not found.`) process.exit(0) } const languages: { name: string extension: string launch: string }[] = require('./languages-wrapper/_languages.json') const extensionSolution = path.extname(solutionFilePath) const languageToExecute = languages.find( language => language.extension === extensionSolution ) if (!languageToExecute) { console.log(`Sadly, this ${'language')} is not supported yet.`) process.exit(0) } // Copy 'solution' and 'execute' files in temp const inputOutputJSON: { input: any[]; output: any }[] = require(path.join( __dirname, '..', 'challenges', challengeName, 'input-output.json' )) const tempPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'temp') const executeFile = `execute${languageToExecute.extension}` const executeLanguagePath = path.resolve( __dirname, 'languages-wrapper', executeFile ) const executeLanguageTempPath = path.join(tempPath, executeFile) const inputPath = path.join(tempPath, 'input.json') const outputPath = path.join(tempPath, 'output.json') await fs.copyFile( path.resolve(solutionFolderPath, solutionFilePath), path.join(tempPath, solutionFilePath) ) await fs.copyFile(executeLanguagePath, executeLanguageTempPath) // Console.log & Tests const totalCorrect = { total: 0, correct: 0 } const tableResult = [ [ chalk.cyan('Result'), chalk.cyan('Input'), chalk.cyan('Output'), chalk.cyan('Expected output') ] ] const startTest = // Loop I/O for (const { input, output } of inputOutputJSON) { // Write input.json const inputStringify = JSON.stringify(input) await fs.writeFile(inputPath, inputStringify) // Execute script (create output.json) try { await exec(`${languageToExecute.launch} ${executeLanguageTempPath}`) } catch (error) { console.log( await deleteAllFilesExceptOne(tempPath, '.gitignore') process.exit(0) } // Read output.json const data = await fs.readFile(outputPath) const outputJSON = JSON.parse(data.toString()) // Tests += 1 const outputJSONStringify = JSON.stringify(outputJSON) const outputStringify = JSON.stringify(output) const isCorrect = outputJSONStringify === outputStringify if (isCorrect) { tableResult.push([ emoji.get('white_check_mark'), inputStringify, outputJSONStringify, outputStringify ]) totalCorrect.correct += 1 } else { tableResult.push([ emoji.get('x'), inputStringify, outputJSONStringify, outputStringify ]) } // Delete I/O file await fs.unlink(inputPath) await fs.unlink(outputPath) } const endTest = console.log( table(tableResult, { columns: { 0: { width: 6, alignment: 'center' }, 1: { width: 20, wrapWord: true }, 2: { width: 30, wrapWord: true }, 3: { width: 30, wrapWord: true } } }) ) console.log(` Challenge : ${challengeName} Solution : ${solutionName} Tests : ${`${totalCorrect.correct} passed`)}, ${ } total Time : ${chalk.yellow(prettyMilliseconds(endTest - startTest))} `) await deleteAllFilesExceptOne(tempPath, '.gitignore') })()