
Manage React Forms with ease.

Licence MIT Contributor Covenant

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## 📜 About **react-component-form** is a lightweight form component for [React.js](, it allows you to get the inputs values without state thanks to `onChange` or `onSubmit` props. Demo : []( This project was bootstrapped with [create-react-library]( ## 💾 Install ```sh npm install --save react-component-form ``` ## ⚙️ Usage ```tsx import React from 'react' import Form, { HandleForm } from 'react-component-form' const Example = () => { const handleSubmit: HandleForm = (formData, formElement) => { console.log(formData) // { inputName: 'value of the input' } formElement.reset() } return (
) } ``` _Note : The example use TypeScript, but obviously you can use JavaScript. Be aware that `HandleForm` is the type definition for the `onChange` and `onSubmit` props._ Basically you have access to the same props of the HTML `form` tag in React, but the onSubmit and the onChange props are differents. Instead to get the `event` param you get `formData` and `formElement` params : - `formData`: It's an object where the keys are the name of your inputs and the current value. Behind the scene, it uses the [FormData]( constructor. - `formElement`: It's the actual HTML form element in the DOM so for example you can access the `.reset()` method on a [HTMLFormElement]( ## 📄 License [MIT](./LICENSE)