* HTTP kernel file
* The HTTP kernel file is used to register the middleware with the server or the router.
import router from "@adonisjs/core/services/router"
import server from "@adonisjs/core/services/server"
* The error handler is used to convert an exception to a HTTP response.
server.errorHandler(async () => {
return await import("#app/exceptions/handler.js")
* The server middleware stack runs middleware on all the HTTP requests, even if there is no route registered for the requested URL.
async () => {
return await import("#app/middleware/container_bindings_middleware.js")
return await import("#app/middleware/force_json_response_middleware.js")
return await import("@adonisjs/cors/cors_middleware")
* The router middleware stack runs middleware on all the HTTP requests with a registered route.
return await import("@adonisjs/core/bodyparser_middleware")
return await import("@adonisjs/auth/initialize_auth_middleware")
* Named middleware collection must be explicitly assigned to the routes or the routes group.
export const middleware = router.named({
appKeySecurity: async () => {
return await import("#app/middleware/app_key_security_middleware.js")
auth: async () => {
return await import("#app/middleware/auth_middleware.js")