- [ ] Try `SELECT count(*) FROM internal_links il WHERE il.from_page_id = (SELECT p.id FROM pages p WHERE p.title = 'Linux'); -- Count of internal links for 'Linux' page`
- [ ] Documentation how to use + Last execution date
- [ ] Rewrite bash script to download and extract SQL files from Wikipedia Database Dump to Node.js for better cross-platform support and easier maintenance + automation, preferably one Node.js script to generate everything to create the database
- [ ] Verify file content up to before inserts, to check if it matches last version, and diff with last version
- [ ] Update logic to create custom `internal_links` table to make it work with latest wikipedia dumps (notably concerning the change in `pagelinks.sql` where the title is not included anymore, but instead it uses `pl_target_id`, foreign key to `linktarget`), last tested dumb working `20240420`
- [ ] Implement Wikipedia Game Solver (`website`) with inputs, button to submit, and list all pages to go from one to another, or none if it is not possible
- [ ] Add docs to add locale/edit translations, create component, install a dependency in a package, create a new package, technology used, architecture, links where it's deployed, how to use/install for end users, how to update dependencies with `npx taze -l` etc.