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All Contributors


Thanks goes to these wonderful people who contribute(d) or maintain(ed) this repo (emoji key):

Conrad Sopala
Conrad Sopala

👀 🚧

Vladyslav Martynets
Vladyslav Martynets

Alberto Pose
Alberto Pose




Authenticate socket.io incoming connections with JWTs. This is useful if you are building a single page application and you are not using cookies as explained in this blog post: Cookies vs Tokens. Getting auth right with Angular.JS.

This repo is supported and maintained by Community Developers, not Auth0. For more information about different support levels check https://auth0.com/docs/support/matrix .


npm install socketio-jwt


// set authorization for socket.io
  .on('connection', socketioJwt.authorize({
    secret: 'your secret or public key',
    timeout: 15000 // 15 seconds to send the authentication message
  .on('authenticated', (socket) => {
    //this socket is authenticated, we are good to handle more events from it.
    console.log(`hello! ${socket.decoded_token.name}`);

Note: If you are using a base64-encoded secret (e.g. your Auth0 secret key), you need to convert it to a Buffer: Buffer('your secret key', 'base64')

Client side

const socket = io.connect('http://localhost:9000');
socket.on('connect', () => {
    .emit('authenticate', { token: jwt }) //send the jwt
    .on('authenticated', () => {
      //do other things
    .on('unauthorized', (msg) => {
      console.log(`unauthorized: ${JSON.stringify(msg.data)}`);
      throw new Error(msg.data.type);

One roundtrip

The previous approach uses a second roundtrip to send the jwt. There is a way you can authenticate on the handshake by sending the JWT as a query string, the caveat is that intermediary HTTP servers can log the url.

const io            = require('socket.io')(server);
const socketioJwt   = require('socketio-jwt');

With socket.io < 1.0:

io.set('authorization', socketioJwt.authorize({
  secret: 'your secret or public key',
  handshake: true

io.on('connection', (socket) => {
  console.log('hello!', socket.handshake.decoded_token.name);

With socket.io >= 1.0:

  secret: 'your secret or public key',
  handshake: true

io.on('connection', (socket) => {
  console.log('hello!', socket.decoded_token.name);

For more validation options see auth0/jsonwebtoken.

Client side

Append the jwt token using query string:

const socket = io.connect('http://localhost:9000', {
  query: `token=${your_jwt}`

Append the jwt token using 'Authorization Header' (Bearer Token):

const socket = io.connect('http://localhost:9000', {
  extraHeaders: { Authorization: `Bearer ${your_jwt}` }

Both options can be combined or used optionally.

Authorization Header Requirement

Require Bearer Tokens to be passed in as an Authorization Header

Server side:

  secret: 'your secret or public key',
  handshake: true,
  auth_header_required: true

Handling token expiration

Server side

When you sign the token with an expiration time (example: 60 minutes):

const token = jwt.sign(user_profile, jwt_secret, { expiresIn: 60*60 });

Your client-side code should handle it as below:

Client side

socket.on('unauthorized', (error) => {
  if (error.data.type == 'UnauthorizedError' || error.data.code == 'invalid_token') {
    // redirect user to login page perhaps?
    console.log('User token has expired');

Handling invalid token

Token sent by client is invalid.

Server side:

No further configuration needed.

Client side

Add a callback client-side to execute socket disconnect server-side.

socket.on('unauthorized', (error, callback) => {
  if (error.data.type == 'UnauthorizedError' || error.data.code == 'invalid_token') {
    // redirect user to login page perhaps or execute callback:
    console.log('User token has expired');

Server side

To disconnect socket server-side without client-side callback:

io.sockets.on('connection', socketioJwt.authorize({
  secret: 'secret goes here',
  // No client-side callback, terminate connection server-side
  callback: false

Client side

Nothing needs to be changed client-side if callback is false.

Server side

To disconnect socket server-side while giving client-side 15 seconds to execute callback:

io.sockets.on('connection', socketioJwt.authorize({
  secret: 'secret goes here',
  // Delay server-side socket disconnect to wait for client-side callback
  callback: 15000

Your client-side code should handle it as below:

Client side

socket.on('unauthorized', (error, callback) => {
  if (error.data.type == 'UnauthorizedError' || error.data.code == 'invalid_token') {
    // redirect user to login page perhaps or execute callback:
    console.log('User token has expired');

Getting the secret dynamically

You can pass a function instead of a string when configuring secret. This function receives the request, the decoded token and a callback. This way, you are allowed to use a different secret based on the request and / or the provided token.

Server side

const SECRETS = {
  'user1': 'secret 1',
  'user2': 'secret 2'

  secret: (request, decodedToken, callback) => {
    // SECRETS[decodedToken.userId] will be used as a secret or
    // public key for connection user.

    callback(null, SECRETS[decodedToken.userId]);
  handshake: false


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Repo Community

Feel like PRs and issues are not enough? Want to dive into further discussion about the tool? We created topics for each Auth0 Community repo so that you can join discussion on stack available on our repos. Here it is for this one: socketio-jwt


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

What is Auth0?

Auth0 helps you to:

  • Add authentication with multiple authentication sources, either social like

    • Google
    • Facebook
    • Microsoft
    • Linkedin
    • GitHub
    • Twitter
    • Box
    • Salesforce
    • etc.

    or enterprise identity systems like:

    • Windows Azure AD
    • Google Apps
    • Active Directory
    • ADFS
    • Any SAML Identity Provider
  • Add authentication through more traditional username/password databases

  • Add support for linking different user accounts with the same user

  • Support for generating signed JSON Web Tokens to call your APIs and create user identity flow securely

  • Analytics of how, when and where users are logging in

  • Pull data from other sources and add it to user profile, through JavaScript rules

Create a free Auth0 account

  • Go to Auth0 website
  • Hit the SIGN UP button in the upper-right corner